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Career Links

Career Advice Australia

Career Advice Australia aims to provide quality career education, and help all young Australians make a smooth transition through school and on to further study, training or work. It works closely with existing career and transition programmes to provide a national career development and transition support system for all young Australians aged 13 to 19 years.
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Job Guide

The Job Guide gives useful information about how to work out what occupations suit you best, based on your interests and abilities. It has detailed descriptions of lots of jobs, including information on the specific tasks and skills involved in each job, and the education and training each job requires.
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Myfuture: Australia’s career information service

Myfuture is Australia’s national career information and exploration service, helping people of all ages to make career decisions, plan career pathways and manage work transitions. myfuture supports you to identify your interests, skills and values and then to explore occupations that might suit your personal preferences. myfuture also assists in setting personal career goals and plans to achieve these goals.
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Get a Trade

Get a trade lists skills shortages at national, state and regional levels and tells you all about apprenticeships, training and the labour market.
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Australian JobSearch section for careers information. Job Outlook provides help in choosing a career. Australian Apprenticeships shows how you can gain practical experience. CareerQuiz provides information about career interest areas and links to local career information services, while Job Explorer allows you to discover the skills and tasks involved in specific jobs.
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Careers in Science

Features information on careers in science. Careers in Science features case studies of scientists, science recruiters and those who have put their scientific skills to work in fields outside science. It also explains how undertaking subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and mathematics in Years 11 and 12 help broaden the choices you can make for university subjects and careers.
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Defence Jobs

The Defence Jobs website provides detailed information on all Navy, Army and Air Force careers. You can search for jobs, access online services or register for My H.Q. – a secure web site where you can make an online application.
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IT Skills Hub

IT Skills Hub is the focal point for IT skills information, training and employment opportunities in the Australian Information Technology Industry.
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OZJAC (Australian Courses and Careers Database)

OZJAC is the Australian courses and careers database. It can help young people and adults find the answers to their job, course and career questions. It brings together information on all accredited courses in Australia, links courses to jobs, and jobs to industry. It is available by subscription.
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Smart Moves

Smart Moves is an outreach program designed to enthuse and motivate young Australians to continue their studies and consider a range of careers in science, engineering & technology. The program is also designed to engender a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.
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Year 12 – What Next?

Year 12 – What Next? is a guide to help Year 12 students plan their post-school education and training. It tells you about working life in the future, course options and other places where you can get planning help and advice.
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Big Plans

If you think the building industry is all about bricklaying, think again. Truth is that there is probably a bigger variety of challenging and rewarding career paths in building than in most other industries. Take it from the people who are out there reaping the rewards of satisfying jobs and solid careers. People who, only a few years ago, were just like you – at square one, with Big Plans.
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The Source

The site aims to encourage young people between the ages 12 and 25 to get involved in their community, and provides a number of vehicles through which young people can access the Government and provide input into Government policy and programs. The source also provides a wide range of information to help young Australians make important life decisions.
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Government Career Guide

An on-line directory of careers in Government and Community Safety featuring careers in the Correctional Services, Water, Local Government, Public Sector and Public Safety industries.
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Environmental Jobs Network

EJN is Australia’s leading online resource for environmental job seekers, professionals and career changers. They also offer a unique and expanding range of services to the wider environmental sector.
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Australian Apprenticeships Job Pathways

Students, careers advisers, job candidiates, parents and employers should visit the Job Pathways website to find easy to access Australian Apprenticeships information.
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Australia Job Net

A website helping people (especially students) from Asian countries to seek ideal jobs in Australia.
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